CSC Aadhaar UCL Calender Download
CSC Aadhaar UCL Working Day Calendar Download : As you all know that every CSC VLE working for Aadhaar UCL through CSC. on which day should not do Aadhaar work, this is the biggest confusion! Often VLE brothers talk among themselves that whether CSC Aadhaar should run UCL or not on Sunday, today is not a holiday according to CSC Aadhaar office.
In view of such inconsistencies of the VLE brothers, this information was given to the VLE brothers on behalf of CSC SPV many times! That VLE brothers can run their Aadhaar UCL from 08:00 am to 05:00 pm or 06:00 pm on any day from Sunday to Saturday except government holidays.
But even in such a situation, there was a lot of confusion that how to know whether today’s holiday is a government holiday or not! In view of all these problems, we are sharing here with you the CSC Aadhaar Holiday & Working Day Calender issued by UIDAI Aadhaar. By downloading which you can keep your Aadhaar work closed on that day after seeing the list of government holidays according to the base office.