CSC eShram Card Important Updates Do not use the same number for multiple registrations
CSC eShram Card Updates: Dear CSC VLE Friends if you are CSC VLE! And working on making an eShram card through CSC! Then there is a very important update for all of you! Because when creating a new eShram card through the CSC portal. You must follow the instructions below. Otherwise, your CSC ID may be blocked and you will not receive per registration commission.
Important guidelines for CSC labor card / e Shram Card registration
All VLEs should follow the prescribed procedure for e-labor / eShram registration.
- Do not use the same mobile number for multiple e-Shram registrations.
- A mobile number can be used for maximum 3rd labor registration.
- Multiple registered VLEs with the same number will have their CSC ID blocked and will not receive any commission for such registration.