CSC Family Registration Step by Step Instruction
CSC Family Registration
- For enrolling your families members into the scheme, please click on “add family member” button.
- Read the terms and conditions carefully about the scheme and submit the declaration form.
- In the family registration page, fill the correct details of your family members.
- Give consent for using Aadhaar details and click on submit to enroll your family members into the Scheme.
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Ayusman Bharat CSC VLE Family Member Registartion
- Aadhaar Card No. is mandatory for inclusion in the scheme.
- All details entered by the VLE/Family member’s should be correct as the fields are non-editable once the registration is completed.
- The application fee paid would be applicable for 1 year only after which the VLE will be required to pay the application fee again for the continuation of the scheme benefits.
- VLE needs to make the Payment in advance for to avail the facility of the scheme.
- CSC-SPV will give a confirmation on inclusion in the scheme and Post confirmation the beneficiary needs to be verified on NHA portal.
- Only after successful registration on the Ayushman Portal your card will be effective and you will be able to avail the facilities under this scheme.