LPG Gas Certificate Online: If you are also a customer of Indian HP and Bharat Gas! So let us tell you that the Central Vigilance Commission has officially taken the oath of integrity! If you want to get complete information about this! Then you have to read this article till the last! Let us tell you that you must have a Pan Card, Passport, or Voter ID Card with you to take the pledge within this Integrity Pledge to all the customers of different gas companies! Only then will you be able to get the Certificate of Integrity Pledge! If you want to have this certificate! Then you have to apply online! Which you can do very easily!
LPG Gas Certificate Online Apply
- First of all, you have to go to the official website!
- Then the home page will open in front of you!
- After this, you have to select your gas company!
- Now your company’s dashboard will open in front of you!
- Here you will get an option to Participate in The Fight against corporations Take an Online e-Integrity Pledge which you have to click on!
- Then a new page will open in front of you!
- Here you will see the option of an As a Citizen! You have to click!
- Then its registration form will open in front of you!
- In this form, all the information asked from you will have to be filled in carefully.
- After this, you have to submit by doing submit option!
- After this, you will get an OTP on your registered mobile number.
- Which you need to verify!
- After that click on submit option and submit.
- Now the certificate will open in front of you!
- After this, you have to print it!
Official Website | mylpg.in |
Direct Link To Participate | Click Here |
LPG new connection form Pdf | Download |
You can then view the subsidy amount you will be eligible to receive by mentioning the details of your bank account and Aadhaar number. Click on the link http://mylpg.in/index.aspx where you will have to provide your 17-digit LPG ID and click on ‘Submit’.
People with an annual income of Rs.10 lakh and above will not be eligible to receive a gas subsidy
Collect an application form for a new gas connection from the gas agency office. Submit documents giving the proofs of identity and address (xerox copy) with this application form. After the registration, the agency will issue you a receipt in your name with the date of registration and Registration Number.