CSC Aadhaar UCL Registration Online 2024

Aadhaar ucl

Aadhaar UCL Registration 2024 | CSC AADHAAR UCL REGISTRATION ONLINE | CSC UCL Status | CSC UCL Registration In Hindi | CSC Aadhaar UCL registration status | UCL Aadhar Center Apply

CSC SPV has officially started Aadhaar UCL Registration 2024, how to do UIDAI UCL registration online, complete information, learn how to register Aadhaar UCL software 2024 Download Free, Aadhaar UCL registration via society new Aadhar UCL requirements What are? Check from here.

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If you want to do an Aadhaar demographic update through CSC and are thinking of downloading Aadhar UCL and also want to do Aadhar UCL Registration. Then you have come to the right place here we have to register for Aadhar UCL software we will provide you with complete information about what are the Aadhar UCL requirements to run an Aadhaar center. The official website of CSC to do UCL registration here we will discuss this in detail

Aadhaar UCL Software 2024 (Aadhaar UCL)

UCL is an Aadhaar demographic update software of CSC. In UCL all the work is done by fingerprint only, there is no need for OTP. Aadhaar data can be updated through Aadhaar UCL software without OTP or registered mobile numbers.

In simple language, many people do not have their registered mobile number in their Aadhaar, so people do not receive OTP and do not update their Aadhaar card in their address, such as changes in name, or correcting a name. etc., but with the help of UCL software, you can update your Aadhaar card without OTP through the fingerprint of the Aadhaar user, but earlier the work of UCL was stopped due to fraud but now UCL Aadhaar on certain conditions The work of CSC VLE is being given again to the brothers.

But they have to first complete the Aadhaar UCL Registration process, after that, some special requirements will have to be fulfilled to open the Aadhaar center, only then they will be able to do the work of Aadhaar.

Demographic Update Client/UCL Software developed by UIDAI through which a resident can update his/her demographic details like Name, Address, Mobile and email ID, etc

CSC Aadhaar UCL Highlights

Software NameUCL
UCL Full FormUpdate Client Lite
Post CategoryAadhar Card
Service ForAadhar Demographic Update
Sponsored ByUIDAI & CSC SPV
Developed byUIDAI
Benefit of ServicePeople can update their Aadhaar
Toll-Free Number1800-121-3468 
Email[email protected]

Aadhaar UCL Registration CSC

If you want to do the work of Aadhar, then you have to complete CSC UCL registration. However, after doing UCL registration, you will not get the work Aadhar immediately! for this, you have to fulfill some other eligibility criteria. see below:-

  • To do Aadhar UCL Registration, first, you have to go to the official website of CSC
  • After reaching the official website of UCL Registration! you now have to click on the “Digital Seva Connect” button on the home page
  • After clicking on the button mentioned above! then the login page of the Digital Seva Portal will open in front of you! now here you have to log in using your CSC ID and password
  • After login into the Digital Seva Portal with your CSC ID and Password! the UCL Registration page will open in front of you, here you will see your CSC ID and email! now you have to click on the “Proceed” button given.
  • When you click on the Proceed button, the Aadhar UCL Registration Form will open in front of you. Aadhar UCL registration form
  • Now you have to fill in all the information asked in the form correctly such as VLE Name! VLE CSC ID, VLE Bank BC Code, etc.
  • While filling out the form, you have to keep in mind that you have to correctly tick all the requirements asked in the form like whether your center has a toilet facility or not! then you have to select “Yes” if you choose the “NO” option If you choose then your form will be rejected
  • Aadhar UCL software registration
  • After filling the form correctly, you must finally “Submit” the form by filling in the captcha box at the end.

As soon as you submit the form, your UCL registration process will be completed! now the officials will contact you and proceed with the process of installing the software on your computer! this will happen only when your form is approved

CSC Aadhar Center UCL Requirements (Eligibility for Aadhar Center)

Friends, the work of Aadhar has been started through CSC. Still, CSC UIDAI has imposed many conditions! only after the following VLEs will also be able to do the work of Aadhaar from UCL by opening the CSC Aadhar Center from CSC. For this, you have to fulfill some of the Mandatory Requirements given below:

  • VLE Bank BC Code & Name Of Bank Issuing VLE BC Code
  • Aadhaar NSEIT Operator/Supervisor Certificate
  • Operator/Supervisor Police Verification (Not More Than 3 Months Old)
  • Operator/Supervisor EAadhaar
  • Separate Laptop For UCL As Per UIDAI Specification
  • Color Multifunction Printer
  • Single Fingerprint Scan Device
  • Single IRIS Scan Device
  • CSC Center Having The Space Waiting Area Of least Sitting Of 5 Citizens
  • CCTV Camera
  • Availability Of RAMP And Wheelchair For Divyang Costumer
  • Broadband And Internet Connection Availability
  • Token System/Machine
  • Toilet Facility Availability At The Center

Keep in mind that you will have to fulfill all the requirements mentioned above! and you will have to buy whatever device is not in your center and the facilities that are not in your center! then according to the requirements, you will have to provide those facilities only then you are eligible to open an Aadhaar center. will be

If you want to do Aadhaar work through CSC and do Aadhaar UCL Registration then you have to download the CSC UCL Consent Form and later print the form fill it out correctly and then submit the form

Let us tell you all, you have to fill out the UCL Consent Form correctly! if the form is not found complete, then, in this case, your form may be canceled! keep in mind that it is mandatory to have the supervisor’s signature on the form and the photo should also be signed! all VLE brothers can download and take a printout of the UCL Consent Form through the below-mentioned directing link

Official WebsiteApply
Aadhaar UCL Consent FormDownload
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