CSC Tele Law Service Banner Poster Download & Payment
Get CSC Tele Law Service Banner Poster Payment from CSC: Friends, if you are a CSC VLE and your CSC Id is Active within Tele Law Project. So there is very good news for all of you. Now you will get 400 rupees from CSC for Uploading the Banner Poster of Tele Law Service on your CSC Center. So all of you can download and Put the CSC Tele Law Banner Poster issued by the Department of CSC from the link given below. And uploading the Tele Law Banner photo on the Tele Law Portal. You can get a Payment of Rs 4oo from CSC.
CSC Tele Law Banner Poster Payment For CSC VLE
Dear Brother and Sister, if you are a CSC VLE and active on Tele Law Portal. So all of you will know that the Tele Law scheme is being run by CSC and the Justice Department. In which poor and underprivileged people are given free legal advice from the Lawyer of the High Court. To increase its reach and people get more benefits from it. For the promotion of this scheme, a campaign has been started to put up Banner Posters in the Regional Language at every CSC center. Within these CSC Will be paid 400 rupees to the CSC VLE. Who uploaded the photo on the portal of the Tele Law Service’s Approved Banner Poster at his center.
Official Massage From CSC Tele law State Manager for teleLaw Banner Poster Payment
To reach out to a large number of people, we have designed banners for CSCs in regional languages. These banners are provided in the VLE Tele-law Dashboard. The VLEs have to print the banners and keep them in the CSC. We will Pay Rs.400/– for printing the Tele Law banner.
How to Get CSC Tele Law Banner Poster Payment
In order to receive the Tele Law Banner Poster Payment, the VLE has to follow the following steps:
- Download the banner in the desired regional language, print it (size 4*3 feet), and place it in the CSC (Banners are provided in the VLE Tele-law Dashboard)
- VLE has the option to write his/her name/CSC name/location details in the white bar which is at the bottom of the banner (sample attached)
- VLE has to upload banner image in dashboard. Rs-400/- will be paid to the VLE once we get the banner details.
- Banner Size – 4*3 Feet.
- Share in group keeping CSC I’d, Name and District,

CSC Tele Law Banner Poster pdf Download
If you are a CSC VLE working in Tele Law. And you haven’t received your Tele Law Banner Poster Pdf File yet. So you can download and print a High-Quality Tele Law Banner Poster PDF File by logging in to the link given below or your CSC Tele Law Portal.

How to upload CSC Tele Law banner & Flyer for VLE Payment
- First of All Visit –
- Enter Your CSC ID
- Select Banner Placement Activity in Activity Type
- Upload Banner 1 and Banner 2
- Click on Submit to Upload
- you Can also upload using Tele Law Portal.