Tele Law Nyay Sakhi PLV Scheme : Tele Law Scheme is a unique service started in collaboration with the Department of Justice, Government of India and CSC SPV! Within which any woman or man / child, economically weaker section people can take advantage of this service for free without any charge and take legal advice from a government lawyer!
Tele Law Nyay Sakhi PLV Scheme Benefits
There will be a reduction in the cases of injustice done to the people of poor families.
People will be able to get legal advice without spending money
Legal advice can be obtained without sitting at home without traveling around the cities!
What is PLV (Nyay Sakhi)?

A provision has been made for the appointment of a Nyaya Sakhi i.e. PLV within this scheme for the purpose of identifying the information of Tele Law Scheme and the benefits of this scheme to as many people as possible.
This Nyay Sakhi or PLV works from door to door in the village to inform the people about this scheme as well as to provide legal advice to the victims with proper guidance! Will work to take them to the nearest CSC center!
And after registration at the CSC Center, You will get free legal advice and help and guidance by the High Court’s public prosecutor.
What is PLV In Hindi (Nyay Sakhi)?
टेली लॉ योजना और इस योजना के लाभों को यथासंभव लोगों के लिए सुलभ बनाने के लिए, इस योजना में एक उचित भागीदार यानी पीएलवी को काम पर रखने का प्रावधान किया गया है।
यह न्याय सखी या पीएलवी गाँव में घर-घर जाकर लोगों को इस परियोजना के बारे में सूचित करने के साथ-साथ पीड़ितों को उचित निर्देश के साथ कानूनी सलाह देने का काम करती है! उन्हें नजदीकी सीएससी सेंटर ले जाने का काम करेंगे!
और सीएससी केंद्र में पंजीकरण के बाद, उन्हें उच्च न्यायालय के लोक अभियोजक द्वारा मुफ्त कानूनी सलाह और सहायता और मार्गदर्शन दिया जाएगा।
Nyay Sakhi Salary
1500 rupees will get every month to all plv and justice sakhi working under tele law scheme.
How to Apply for Tele Law Plv (Nyay Sakhi Scheme)
- Visit Nearest CSC Center with a resume
- Contact Center Incharge (VLE)
- Ask them for Your interest in Tele Law Plv Scheme
- VLE will register you as a plv (Nyay Sakhi)
- After Registration You Can Start Working
- your Monthly Salary Will Credit in CSC Digipay Wallet
How to Register under Tele Law Scheme Online
- Visit
- Login using CSC id & Password
- Book Appointment for Anycase
- Next month Your PLV and Vle Commission Will Credited in Digipay Wallet.
CSC VLE / SHG! So you can do online plv registration from the website of the scheme to work within this scheme!